Thursday, December 21, 2006

More About Hole In One Insurance

Golf Hole In One Insurance.
Hole in ones. Of course you can insure them. Then when someone in your group gets one they win the prize. Let's just go on the assumption that a hole in one can happen one in every 8,000+ times. I used to work for a company that provided insurance for golf hole in ones. They did not go through a real insurance company so when difficulties were encountered, I decided to leave and become fully backed by an insurance company. Let me tell you how the previous one worked. They sold insurance for a $5,000 hole in one at one dollar per shot. Given the probabilities above if they sold 8,000 of them they would pocket $3,000. What if two people got hole in ones but the company only collected $4,000 to date?? You can see the problem. For more information go to
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